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I was weak in my body, with stiff joints. some days it was so hard just to put one leg in front of the other... After receiving prayer, I Believed that God could strengthen and would take my pain from my legs and He did. Not little by little,  one day when I woke up I was able to raise straight up out of bed and as I moved my legs their was No Pain in my hips, knee

or back. Yes, that's my testimony.

I'll tell everyone, God is Good, ALL THE TIME.  

Angelic Brown 

Mrs. Roberta Green

I'm from Taxes, my husband and I run a small farm, we believe in feeding off the land. But doing The COVID We both got sick, and some of the animals too. we couldn't care for the animals very well, it was really bad. Every one of our neighbors close and far around us was down and sick too, one after another. We all did our best to look after the other. But it was really by God's goodness and His Grace that kept us all from dying as so many others did. Twelve of us came down with the Covid with no way to get to the hospitals, no medicines, nothing but our own "Mother-Wit", herbs from our gardens and, the Good Lord that kept our chickens, cows and goats healthy and alive.

I Just want to say: "Thank You Lord" for being a Doctor 

when we needed one.  AMEN 

Given God the Glory 

If you find yourself in the Southern end of Maryland or would like to be a part of "good / preaching / teaching church service " in the name of The Lord,

come visit us at 21778 Tulagi Place in Lexington Park MD 20653 Oasis of Victory Christian Church International; My Pastor, James Spence Jr.. We would love

to have YOU as a guest or if you need a church to call "Home",  We would LOVE to embrace you as another family member who has found their way home

​Remember, "We" are the hands and feet of God ; So lend a God Hand....

You may very well be holding the ANSWER to someone's Prayer in your HAND?

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